Lizz Dawson

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Just Throwin' It Out There

So it’s weighing on me heavy—something’s not working here. Something is blocking me off from the consistency that I desperately need with this blog. If I see one more pin about how I should be blogging 2+ times a week to gain followers, I’m going to puke! But only because I know it’s what I need to do. I’m constantly writing posts in my head, but I’m not sharing enough, and it’s because I’m so backed up on these Thailand posts. I’ve been home about a month, and they should absolutely all be up by now, but they’ve become more like mini personal essays for me so I’m taking my time crafting them. Regardless, I’m trying to drop the shoulds in my life and be transparent here. The transition back home was much rougher than I expected. More on that later… For now, I’m going with my gut and against a few pieces of advice, and I’m interjecting the Thailand posts a bit. I have a whole list of ideas for weekly series posts, so some not-travel, not-Thailand stuff will be starting soon. I never intended for my blog to be a travel blog anyway, so consider this the intro to the transition to travel and lifestyle blog. Oh man. I hope I don’t lose anybody here.

Not to mention, some major construction with design is underway. If I could throw construction tape all over this website while it's all in the process, I would. But instead you guys can all watch the slow and steady transformation. Just BEAR WITH ME! I promise it’s only getting better from here. I’m even taking a workshop tonight on blogging and monetizing and all that good stuff with my niece right in my home town, so here’s to hoping we learn lots of good stuff and can bring it into fruition!

Thank you thank you thank you to everyone that’s been reading. Sincerely. I literally just quit one of my three jobs last week (the main one...) to have more time to focus on my writing, so I have no excuse soon. Here's to throwin' it all up in the air. Super stoked about what’s to come.

